When online ads are shown together, they compete for user attention and conversions, imposing negative externalities on each other. While the competition for user attention in spo...
Most models for online advertising assume that an advertiser's value from winning an ad auction, which depends on the clickthrough rate or conversion rate of the advertisemen...
We propose an expressive auction design that allows advertisers to specify the kinds of demographics and websites they wish to target within an advertising network. The design all...
We present the design of a banner advertising auction which is considerably more expressive than current designs. We describe a general model of expressive ad contracts/bidding an...
Craig Boutilier, David C. Parkes, Tuomas Sandholm,...
Motivated by the emergence of auction-based marketplaces for display ads such as the Right Media Exchange, we study the design of a bidding agent that implements a display adverti...
Arpita Ghosh, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Sergei Va...