Abstract. We present two modal typing systems with the approximation modality, which has been proposed by the author to capture selfreferences involved in computer programs and the...
We study the proof-theoretic relationship between two deductive systems for the modal mu-calculus. First we recall an infinitary system which contains an omega rule allowing to de...
For every Kripke complete modal logic L we define its hybrid companion LH . For a reasonable class of logics, we present a satisfiability-preserving translation from LH to L. We p...
ABSTRACT. Canonical models are of central importance in modal logic, in particular as they witness strong completeness and hence compactness. While the canonical model construction...
Bi-intuitionistic logic is the union of intuitionistic and dual intuitionistic logic, and was introduced by Rauszer as a Hilbert calculus with algebraic and Kripke semantics. But ...