Abstract. Loop fusion is a program transformation that merges multiple loops into one. It is e ective for reducing the synchronization overhead of parallel loops and for improving ...
Data locality and synchronization overhead are two important factors that affect the performance of applications on multiprocessors. Loop fusion is an effective way for reducing s...
Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Chenhua Lang, Nelson L. Pass...
Loop fusion improves data locality and reduces synchronization in data-parallel applications. However, loop fusion is not always legal. Even when legal, fusion may introduce loop-...
With-loops are versatile array comprehensions used in the functional array language SaC to implement universally applicable array operations. We describe the fusion of with-loops a...
In this paper, we propose a technique combining loop distribution with loop fusion to improve the timing performance without increasing the code size of the transformed loops. We ...
Meilin Liu, Qingfeng Zhuge, Zili Shao, Chun Xue, M...