Memory may be the only system component that is more commoditized than a microprocessor. To simultaneously exploit this and address the impending memory wall, processing in memory...
Arun Rodrigues, Richard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge,...
Abstract. Designing and tuning parallel applications with MPI, particularly at large scale, requires understanding the performance implications of different choices of algorithms ...
Torsten Hoefler, William Gropp, Rajeev Thakur, Jes...
The size of supercomputers in numbers of processors is growing exponentially. Today’s largest supercomputers have upwards of a hundred thousand processors and tomorrow’s may ha...
Mustafa M. Tikir, Michael Laurenzano, Laura Carrin...
As high-end computing systems continue to grow in scale, recent advances in multiand many-core architectures have pushed such growth toward more denser architectures, that is, mor...
Pavan Balaji, Darius Buntinas, David Goodell, Will...