Diagnosing software failures in the field is notoriously difficult, in part due to the fundamental complexity of trouble-shooting any complex software system, but further exacer...
Ding Yuan, Jing Zheng, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou,...
Phoenix/App supports software components whose states are made persistent across a system crash via redo recovery, replaying logged interactions. Our initial prototype force logge...
A root cause is a source of a defect such that if it is removed, the defect is subsequently decreased or removed. By analyzing the root causes of defects of our software projects,...
More needs to be done to train students to deliver usable software. The current Software Engineering curriculum includes Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) topics in terms of a lect...
Software process improvement is an iterative activity, normally involving measurement, analysis, and change. For most organizations, the existing software process has substantial ...
Shihong Huang, Scott R. Tilley, Michael VanHilst, ...