Testing circuits which do not include a global reset signal requires either complex ATPG algorithms based on 9- or even 256-valued algebras, or some suitable method to generate in...
Fulvio Corno, Paolo Prinetto, Maurizio Rebaudengo,...
Test application time is an important factor in the overall cost of VLSI chip testing. We present a new ATPG approach for generating compact test sequences for sequential circuits...
Yanti Santoso, Matthew C. Merten, Elizabeth M. Rud...
—New methods for fault-effect propagation and state justification that use finite-state-machine sequences are proposed for sequential circuit test generation. Distinguishing se...
Michael S. Hsiao, Elizabeth M. Rudnick, Janak H. P...
Due to the development of high speed circuits beyond the 2-GHz mark, the significance of automatic test pattern generation for Path Delay Faults (PDFs) drastically increased in t...