As Consumer Electronics devices get interconnected, the issue of aligning their data management solutions becomes prominent. If we want to deploy comprehensive applications that ar...
Services in pervasive computing systems must evolve so that they become minimally intrusive and exhibit inherent proactiveness and dynamic adaptability to the current conditions, u...
Maria Strimpakou, Ioanna Roussaki, Carsten Pils, M...
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a vision of future Information Society, where people are surrounded by an electronic environment which is sensitive to their needs, personalized to th...
In this paper we review the emerging field of responsive environments as an ambient intelligence system with a focus on user experience. We see responsive environments as a combina...
Jorge Alves Lino, Benjamin Salem, Matthias Rauterb...
This paper is about the key role of Personalization through Ambient Intelligence in the development of Assistive Technologies for the elders. Ambient Intelligence implies three rel...