: We have developed a real-time operating system kernel which has been used to support the transmission and reception of streams of live digital audio and video in real-time as par...
: One of the major obstacles facing designers of video conferencing systems is the problem of ameliorating the effects of congestion on interconnected packet-switched networks that...
: We present an overview of a "best-effort" transport protocol that supports conferencing with digital audio and video across interconnected packet switched networks. The...
Kevin Jeffay, Donald L. Stone, Terry Talley, F. Do...
We present a framework for analyzing the structure of digital media streams. Though our methods work for video, text, and audio, we concentrate on detecting the structure of digit...
This paper presents FOXP (computer FOrensic eXPerience), an open source project to support network Live Digital Forensics (LDF), where the network nodes run a Windows NT family Ope...
Roberto Battistoni, Alessandro Di Biagio, Roberto ...