Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are probabilistic graphical models for interdependent classification. In this paper we experiment with different ways of combining the components of an ...
In the paper we combine a Bayesian Network model for encoding forensic evidence during a given time interval with a Hidden Markov Model (EBN-HMM) for tracking and predicting the de...
Olivier Y. de Vel, Nianjun Liu, Terry Caelli, Tib&...
The ability to find tables and extract information from them is a necessary component of data mining, question answering, and other information retrieval tasks. Documents often c...
David Pinto, Andrew McCallum, Xing Wei, W. Bruce C...
Affect plays a vital role in learning. During tutoring, particular affective states may benefit or detract from student learning. A key cognitiveaffective state is confusion, which...
Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Jame...
The Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition communities are facing two challenges: solving the normalization problem, and solving the deep learning problem. The normalization pro...