In this paper we give an overview of the Foafing the Music system. The system uses the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) and Rich Site Summary (RSS) vocabularies for recommending music t...
A recommendation system (or recommender) is an algorithm whose goal is to recommend products to potential users. To achieve its task, it uses information about some user preference...
Recommendationsystems makesuggestions about artifacts to a user. For instance, they maypredict whether a user wouldbe interested in seeing a particular movie. Social recomendation...
Tools for filtering the World Wide Web exist, but they are hampered by the difficulty of capturing user preferences in such a diverse and dynamic environment. Recommender systems ...
Stuart E. Middleton, Nigel R. Shadbolt, David De R...
—Recommender systems apply machine learning techniques for filtering unseen information and can predict whether a user would like a given resource. There are three main types of...