In this paper, we present two novel methods for the fast computation of local rotation invariant patch descriptors for 3D vectorial data. Patch based algorithms have recently becom...
In this paper, we present a method for the fast and accurate computation of the local cross-correlation of 3D vectorial data. Given spherical patches of 3D vector fields, our meth...
Recent advances in 3D shape recognition have shown that kernels based on diffusion geometry can be effectively used to describe local features of deforming surfaces. In this paper...
Francesc Moreno (Institut de Robotica i Informatic...
We present a method for detecting and describing features in vector flow fields. Our method models flow fields locally using a linear combination of complex monomials. These monomi...
In this paper we revisit local feature detectors/descriptors developed for 2D images and extend them to the more general framework of scalar fields defined on 2D manifolds. We pro...
Andrei Zaharescu (INRIA Grenoble), Edmond Boyer (L...