Suppose Alice and Bob receive strings of unbiased independent but noisy bits from some random source. They wish to use their respective strings to extract a common sequence of ran...
In this paper, we give two explicit constructions of extractors, both of which work for a source of any min-entropy on strings of length n. The rst extracts any constant fraction ...
Let C be a class of distributions over {0, 1}n . A deterministic randomness extractor for C is a function E : {0, 1}n {0, 1}m such that for any X in C the distribution E(X) is sta...
Abstract— Motivated by applications in cryptography, we consider a generalization of randomness extraction and the related notion of privacy amplification to the case of two cor...
We consider the problem of extracting randomness from sources that are efficiently samplable, in the sense that each output bit of the sampler only depends on some small number d ...