—Modern large-scale grid computing for processing advanced science and engineering applications relies on geographically distributed clusters. In such highly distributed environm...
Daniel M. Batista, Luciano Chaves, Nelson L. S. da...
In this paper we first present a complete survey on available bandwidth estimation tools. More precisely, according to the classification proposed on IEEE Network by Prasad et a...
In this paper, we present a low cost and flexible testbed to evaluate the performance of available bandwidth estimation tools in a common and controlled environment. In addition,...
—Measurement of available bandwidth in a network has always been a topic of great interest. This knowledge can be applied to a wide variety of applications and can be instrumenta...
Dhruv Gupta, Di Wu, Prasant Mohapatra, Chen-Nee Ch...
In this paper we present results of a series of bandwidth estimation experiments conducted on a high-speed testbed at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and on OC-48 and GigE paths...
Alok Shriram, Margaret Murray, Young Hyun, Nevil B...