d Abstract) Alexander Aiken1 and Edward L. Wimmers2 and Jens Palsberg3 1 EECS Department, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-1776. 2 IBM Almaden Research Cent...
Subtyping rules can be fairly complex for union types, due to interactions with other types, such as function types. Furthermore, these interactions turn out to depend on the calc...
Abstract. Subtyping tends to undermine the effects of parametric polymorphism as far as the static detection of type errors is concerned. Starting with this observation we present...
Abstract. Precise type information is invaluable for analysis and optimization of object-oriented programs. Some forms of polymorphism found in object-oriented languages pose signi...
’s abstraction theorem [21], often referred to as the parametricity theorem, can be used to derive properties about functional programs solely from their types. Unfortunately, i...