Reverse pricing as a special form of dynamic pricing has become a growing interest in e-commerce. It gives buyers an active role: The price of a transaction is not given by the su...
Online auctions have become extremely popular in recent years. Ability to predict winning bid prices accurately can help bidders to maximize their profit. This paper proposes a nu...
Internet companies extensively use the practice of drop-shipping, where the wholesaler stocks and owns the inventory and ships products directly to customers at retailers' re...
Abstract. We present a fast and effective bidding strategy for the Trading Agent Competition in Supply Chain Management (TAC SCM). In TAC SCM, manufacturers compete to procure com...
Amy R. Greenwald, Victor Naroditskiy, Tyler Odean,...
This paper studies a queuing model in which a buyer sources a good or service from an single supplier chosen from a pool of suppliers. The buyer seeks to minimize the sum of her p...