Abstract: Die Video-Suchmaschine OSOTIS erm¨oglicht eine automatische inhaltsbezogene Annotation von Videodaten und dadurch eine zielgenaue Suche auch innerhalb einzelner Videoauf...
Background: Microarray technologies have evolved rapidly, enabling biologists to quantify genome-wide levels of gene expression, alternative splicing, and sequence variations for ...
Nathan Salomonis, Kristina Hanspers, Alexander C. ...
Background: SeqHound has been developed as an integrated biological sequence, taxonomy, annotation and 3-D structure database system. It provides a high-performance server platfor...
Katerina Michalickova, Gary D. Bader, Michel Dumon...
The HuGeMap database stores the major genetic and physical maps of the human genome. It is also interconnected with the gene radiation hybrid mapping database RHdb. HuGeMap is acc...