Abstract. Regular model checking is a form of symbolic model checking technique for systems whose states can be represented as finite words over a finite alphabet, where regular ...
We present a thorough study of Propositional Dynamic Logic over a variation of labeled transition systems, called accelerated labelled transition systems, which are transition sys...
Regular Tree Model Checking Ahmed Bouajjani, Peter Habermehl 1 LIAFA, University Paris 7, Case 7014, 2, place Jussieu, F-75251 Paris Cedex 05, France Adam Rogalewicz, Tom´aˇs Voj...
Although undirected cycles in directed graphs of Bayesian belief networks have been thoroughly studied, little attention has so far been given to a systematic analysis of directed ...
In this paper we introduce a design methodology that allows the system/circuit designer to build reliable systems out of unreliable nano-scale components. The central point of our...
Sorin Cotofana, Alexandre Schmid, Yusuf Leblebici,...