Supporting students in the acquisition of argumentation skills is an important goal of educational technology. However, there has not been much work done towards developing generi...
Frank Loll, Niels Pinkwart, Oliver Scheuer, Bruce ...
Being able to argue with a student to convince her or him about the rationale of tutoring hints is an important component of pedagogy. In this paper we present an argumentation fra...
The development of graphical argument models is an active and growing area of research in Artificial Intelligence and Law. The aim is to develop models which may be readily used ...
Collin Lynch, Kevin D. Ashley, Niels Pinkwart, Vin...
While argumentation is highly important for humans in many different aspects of life, it is hard to teach large groups to argue. Classic face-to-face approaches, which have shown ...
We are developing a general argumentation framework for implementing tutoring feedback in the form of persuasive dialogues. The objective is to have an intelligent tutoring system ...