We study different computable versions of Baire’s Category Theorem in computable analysis. Similarly, as in constructive analysis, different logical forms of this theorem lead ...
We consider words indexed by linear orderings. These extend finite, (bi-)infinite words and words on ordinals. We introduce finite automata and rational expressions for these w...
We describe an explicit simulation of 2-way nondeterministic automata by 1-way alternating automata with quadratic blow-up. We first describe the construction for automata on fin...
We show that it is not possible to approximate the minimum Steiner tree problem within 1 + 1 162 unless RP = NP. The currently best known lower bound is 1 + 1 400. The reduction i...
Combinatorial games lead to several interesting, clean problems in algorithms and complexity theory, many of which remain open. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview...