base types and disallows lambda abstractions and quantifiers. We show that this fragment has the finite model property and that satisfiability can be decided with a terminating ...
We are interested in automatically proving safety properties of infinite state systems. We present a technique for invariant synthesis which can be incorporated in backward reacha...
We present a terminating tableau calculus for graded hybrid logic with global modalities, reflexivity, transitivity and role hierarchies. Termination of the system is achieved thr...
We see cut-free sequent systems for the basic normal modal logics formed by any combination the axioms d, t, b, 4, 5. These systems are modular in the sense that each axiom has a c...
Abstract. We give an optimal (exptime), sound and complete tableaubased algorithm for deciding satisfiability with respect to a TBox in the logic ALCI using global state caching. ...