Agents which interact with humanson behalf of humans need a model of human social interaction in order to act appropriately. This paper is a brief description of such a modelused ...
Agents can benefit from contracting some of their tasks that cannot be performedby themselves or that can be performed moreefficiently by other agents. Developing an agent's ...
Constructive learning algorithms offer an attractive approach for the incremental construction of near-minimal neural-network architectures for pattern classification. They help ov...
An important problem faced by auditors is gauging how much reliance can be placed on the accounting systems that process millions of transactions to produce the numbers summarized...
Robert Nado, Melanie Chams, Jeff Delisio, Walter H...
Anagent can performerroneous actions. Despite such errors, one might want to understand what the agent tried to achieve. Suchunderstanding is important, for example, in intelligen...