A dataflow-based pointcut is proposed for aspect-oriented programming (AOP) languages. The pointcut specifies where aspects should be applied based on the origins of values. It is ...
We investigate how to automatically verify that resources such as files are not used improperly or unsafely by a program. We employ a mixture of compile-time analysis and run-time ...
Abstract. Much work has been done in verifying a compiler specification, both in hand-written and mechanical proofs. However, there is still a gap between a correct compiler specif...
When constructing programs to process XML documents, we immediately face the question as to how XML documents should be represented internally in the programming language we use. C...
We describe origami programming methodology based on constraint functional logic programming. The basic operations of origami are reduced to solving systems of equations which desc...
Given the inorder and preorder traversal of a binary tree whose labels are all distinct, one can reconstruct the tree. This article examines two existing algorithms for rebuilding ...
We present a method for automatic program inversion in a first-order functional programming language. We formalize the transformation and illustrate it with several examples inclu...
This paper studies the problem of resource availability in the context of mobile code for embedded systems such as smart cards. It presents an architecture dedicated to controlling...