
159views Business» more  BIS 2010»
13 years 6 months ago
Comparing Intended and Real Usage in Web Portal: Temporal Logic and Data Mining
Nowadays the software systems, including web portals, are developed from a priori assumptions about how the system will be used. However, frequently these assumptions hold only par...
Jérémy Besson, Ieva Mitasiunaite, Au...
160views Business» more  BIS 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
A Model of Employee Selection for SME Based on Innovation Transfer
Human resource strategy can emerge within a decentralized decision structure that gives managers autonomy to take responsive actions while overall strategic direction is considered...
Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Irene Krebs
197views Business» more  BIS 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Ubiquitous Microblogging: A Flow-Based Front-End for Information Logistics
The success of information supply strongly depends on successful user adoption. This especially is the case for the integration of non-human information sources deriving from ubiqu...
Martin Böhringer, Martin Gaedke
185views Business» more  BIS 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
From Economic Drivers to B2B Process Models: A Mapping from REA to UMM
Inter-organizational B2B systems are most likely tending to change their business requirements over time - e.g. establishing new partnerships or change existing ones. The problem i...
Rainer Schuster, Thomas Motal, Christian Huemer, H...
246views Business» more  BIS 2010»
14 years 28 days ago
On the Cognitive Effectiveness of Routing Symbols in Process Modeling Languages
Abstract. Process models provide visual support for analyzing and improving complex organizational processes. In this paper, we discuss differences of process modeling languages us...
Kathrin Figl, Jan Mendling, Mark Strembeck, Jan Re...
171views Business» more  BIS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
On Integrating Data Mining into Business Processes
Abstract. Integrating data mining into business processes becomes crucial for business today. Modern business process management frameworks provide great support for flexible desig...
Dennis Wegener, Stefan Rüping
165views Business» more  BIS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Textractor: A Framework for Extracting Relevant Domain Concepts from Irregular Corporate Textual Datasets
Various information extraction (IE) systems for corporate usage exist. However, none of them target the product development and/or customer service domain, despite significant appl...
Ashwin Ittoo, Laura Maruster, Hans Wortmann, Gosse...
227views Business» more  BIS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Using SPARQL and SPIN for Data Quality Management on the Semantic Web
The quality of data is a key factor that determines the performance of information systems, in particular with regard (1) to the amount of exceptions in the execution of business p...
Christian Fürber, Martin Hepp