In this paper, we reinvestigate the security analysis of blind signature scheme over braid groups proposed by Verma in 2008. A blind signature scheme is a cryptographic primitive ...
A proxy blind signature scheme is a digital signature scheme which combines the properties of proxy signature and blind signature schemes. Recently, Tan et al. proposed two proxy ...
Abstract. Known practical blind signature schemes whose security against adaptive and parallel attacks can be proven in the random oracle model either need five data exchanges bet...
A fair blind signature scheme allows the trustee to revoke blindness so that it provides authenticity and anonymity to honest users while preventing malicious users from abusing th...
Restrictive blind signatures allow a recipient to receive a blind signature on a message not known to the signer but the choice of message is restricted and must conform to certain...
A blind signature scheme is a protocol for obtaining a digital signature from a signer, but the signer can neither learn the messages he/she sign nor the signatures the recipients ...
Sherman S. M. Chow, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui, Siu-Ming ...
Unforgeability and blindness are two important properties of blind signature. The latter means that after interacting with various users, the signer is unable to link a valid messa...
We explore the security of blind signatures under aborts where the user or the signer may stop the interactive signature issue protocol prematurely. Several works on blind signatur...