This paper looks at the evolution of the "Memory Wall" problem over the past decade. It begins by reviewing the short Computer Architecture News note that coined the phr...
In this paper we present a novel methodology for partial (re-)configuration that can be used for most bitstream configured hardware (HW). In particular low priced and not for part...
Off-chip memory accesses are a major source of power consumption in embedded processors. In order to reduce the amount of traffic between the processor and the off-chip memory as ...
There is a sustained trend to embed computer systems in all kinds of intelligent products. Increasing emphasis is given to enhance the functionality of such systems beyond the pro...
Nanoelectronics research has primarily focused on devices. By contrast, not much has been published on innovations at higher layers: we know little about how to construct circuits...
New applications and standards are first conceived only for functional correctness and without concerns for the target architecture. The next challenge is to map them onto an arch...
This paper discusses fault-tolerant techniques for SRAM-based FPGAs. These techniques can be based on circuit level modifications, with obvious modifications in the programmable a...
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Gustavo Neuberger, Luig...
Aimed to provide computation ubiquitously, pervasive computing is perceived as a means to provide a user the transparency of anywhere, anyplace, anytime computing. Pervasive compu...
K. Kalapriya, S. K. Nandy, Deepti Srinivasan, R. U...