We tried Named Entity features of source documents to identify its suspicious counter part. A three stage identification method was adopted to understand the impact of NEs in plagi...
This technical note presents the system built for the IP track of CLEF 2010 based on PATATRAS (PATent and Article Tracking, Retrieval and AnalysiS), the modular search infrastruct...
This paper outlines the main approach and the general design of the plagiarism detection prototype application we have developed to take part in the 2nd International Plagiarism De...
This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at the LogCLEF task. The focus of our experiments was to study if the difference between the native language of the user and the ...
In this paper we present the common effort of Lear and XRCE for the ImageCLEF Visual Concept Detection and Annotation Task. We first sought to combine our individual state-of-the-a...
Thomas Mensink, Gabriela Csurka, Florent Perronnin...
In the context of the CLEF-IP 2010 classification task, we conducted a series of experiments with the Linguistic Classification System (LCS). We compared ment representations for p...
Abstract. This working notes paper describes our first participation in the ImageCLEF2010 Wikipedia Retrieval Task[1]. In this task, we mainly test our Quantum Theory inspired retr...
In this paper we present an approach to detect external plagiarism based on textual similarity. This is an efficient and precise method that can be applied over large sets of docum...
This paper presents the results of the team of the University of North Texas in the Wikipedia image retrieval track of Image-CLEF-2010. Our approach is based on performing translat...
Miguel E. Ruiz, Jiangping Chen, Karthikeyan Pasupa...
Abstract. After participating in last year's CLEF IP (2009) evaluation benchmark, our scores were rather low. The CLEF IP 2010 PAC task enabled us to correct some experiments ...
Wouter Alink, Roberto Cornacchia, Arjen P. de Vrie...