
208views Biometrics» more  HICSS 2011»
13 years 1 months ago
An Experimental Study of Financial Portfolio Selection with Visual Analytics for Decision Support
We investigate the decision process as applied to the practical task of choosing a financial portfolio. We developed PortfolioCompare, an interactive visual analytic decision sup...
Anya Savikhin, Hon Cheong Lam, Brian D. Fisher, Da...
13 years 4 months ago
A Mobile Decision Support System for Dynamic Group Decision-Making Problems
Abstract--The aim of this paper is to present a decision support system model with two important characteristic: 1) mobile technologies are applied in the decision process and 2) t...
Ignacio Javier Pérez, Francisco Javier Cabr...
13 years 7 months ago
Robust Learning for Adaptive Programs by Leveraging Program Structure
Abstract--We study how to effectively integrate reinforcement learning (RL) and programming languages via adaptation-based programming, where programs can include non-deterministic...
Jervis Pinto, Alan Fern, Tim Bauer, Martin Erwig
108views more  NECO 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Optimization of Decision Making in Multilayer Networks: The Role of Locus Coeruleus
Previous theoretical work has shown that a single layer neural network can implement the optimal decision process for simple, two alternative forced choice (2AFC) tasks. However, ...
Eric Shea-Brown, Mark S. Gilzenrat, Jonathan D. Co...
157views more  JAIR 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Decision-Theoretic Planning with non-Markovian Rewards
A decision process in which rewards depend on history rather than merely on the current state is called a decision process with non-Markovian rewards (NMRDP). In decisiontheoretic...
Sylvie Thiébaux, Charles Gretton, John K. S...
102views more  ANOR 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Optimal control of dosage decisions in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
Abstract In the controlled ovary hyperstimulation (COH) cycle of the in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVFET) therapy, the clinicians observe the patients' responses to ...
Miao He, Lei Zhao, Warren B. Powell
13 years 10 months ago
Communication in Multi-Agent Markov Decision Processes
In this paper, we formulate agent's decision process under the framework of Markov decision processes, and in particular, the multi-agent extension to Markov decision process...
Ping Xuan, Victor R. Lesser, Shlomo Zilberstein
13 years 10 months ago
A Framework for Clinical Decision Making and Medical Experience Storing
Different models of Decision Support Systems (DSS) are used in medicine to help physicians in disease diagnosis, prognosis evaluation and therapy prescription. The DSS models rely ...
Joël Colloc, Laïd Bouzidi
13 years 11 months ago
Empirical Study of Social Features' Roles in Buyers' Complex Decision Making
This paper aims at studying the roles of social features (as obtained from social networking sources) in buyers' decision process when they are searching for products to buy. ...
Li Chen
14 years 1 months ago
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Learning a Comprehensible Model from an Ensemble
Abstract. Ensemble methods are popular learning methods that usually increase the predictive accuracy of a classifier though at the cost of interpretability and insight in the deci...
Anneleen Van Assche, Hendrik Blockeel