Many strategies for similarity search in image databases assume a metric and quadratic form-based similarity model where an optimal lower bounding distance function exists for fil...
Abstract. We present an image segmentation technique using the morphological Waterfall algorithm. Improvements in the segmentation are brought about by using improved gradients. Th...
Many contemporary database applications require similarity-based retrieval of complex objects where the only usable knowledge of its domain is determined by a metric distance func...
Weijia Xu, Daniel P. Miranker, Rui Mao, Smriti R. ...
There are several pieces of information that can be utilized in order to improve the efficiency of similarity searches on high-dimensional data. The most commonly used information...
A key issue in clustering data, regardless the algorithm used, is the definition of a distance function. In the case of trajectory data, different distance functions have been pro...
Abstract. A black box method was recently given that solves the problem of online approximate matching for a class of problems whose distance functions can be classified as being ...
Understanding neural connectivity and structures in the brain requires detailed 3D anatomical models, and such an understanding is essential to the study of the nervous system. Ho...
In this paper we introduce a novel Riemannian framework for shape analysis of parameterized surfaces. We derive a distance function between any two surfaces that is invariant to r...
Sebastian Kurtek, Eric Klassen, Anuj Srivastava, Z...
Tasks of data mining and information retrieval depend on a good distance function for measuring similarity between data instances. The most effective distance function must be for...
Calculation of object similarity, for example through a distance function, is a common part of data mining and machine learning algorithms. This calculation is crucial for efficie...