
13 years 1 months ago
Planning and Acting in Incomplete Domains
Engineering complete planning domain descriptions is often very costly because of human error or lack of domain knowledge. Learning complete domain descriptions is also very chall...
Christopher Weber, Daniel Bryce
120views more  JAIR 1998»
13 years 10 months ago
The Automatic Inference of State Invariants in TIM
As planning is applied to larger and richer domains the e ort involved in constructing domain descriptions increases and becomes a signi cant burden on the human application desig...
Maria Fox, Derek Long
13 years 11 months ago
Combining Expression and Content in Domains for Dialog Managers
We present work in progress on abstracting dialog managers from their domain in order to implement a dialog manager development tool which takes (among other data) a domain descri...
Bernd Ludwig, Günther Görz, Heinrich Nie...
13 years 11 months ago
LADDER: A Language to Describe Drawing, Display, and Editing in Sketch Recognition
We have created LADDER, the first language to describe how sketched diagrams in a domain are drawn, displayed, and edited. The difficulty in creating such a language is choosing...
Tracy Hammond, Randall Davis