
190views ECommerce» more  ECCC 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Optimal heuristic algorithms for the image of an injective function
The existence of optimal algorithms is not known for any decision problem in NP \ P. We consider the problem of testing the membership in the image of an injective function. We co...
Edward A. Hirsch, Dmitry Itsykson, Valeria Nikolae...
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13 years 5 months ago
ReachFewL = ReachUL
We show that two complexity classes introduced about two decades ago are equal. ReachUL is the class of problems decided by nondeterministic log-space machines which on every inpu...
Brady Garvin, Derrick Stolee, Raghunath Tewari, N....
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13 years 5 months ago
Extractors for circuit sources
Emanuele Viola
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13 years 5 months ago
Dense locally testable codes cannot have constant rate and distance
A q-query locally testable code (LTC) is an error correcting code that can be tested by a randomized algorithm that reads at most q symbols from the given word. An important questi...
Irit Dinur, Tali Kaufman
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13 years 5 months ago
In Brute-Force Search of Correlation Bounds for Polynomials
We report on some initial results of a brute-force search for determining the maximum correlation between degree-d polynomials modulo p and the n-bit mod q function. For various s...
Frederic Green, Daniel Kreymer, Emanuele Viola
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13 years 5 months ago
Accelerated Slide- and LLL-Reduction
Abstract. Given an LLL-basis B of dimension n = hk we accelerate slide-reduction with blocksize k to run under a reasonable assumption within 1 6 n2 h log1+ε α local SVP-computat...
Claus-Peter Schnorr
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13 years 5 months ago
Testing Linear Properties: Some general themes
The last two decades have seen enormous progress in the development of sublinear-time algorithms — i.e., algorithms that examine/reveal properties of “data” in less time tha...
Madhu Sudan
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13 years 5 months ago
On the Degree of Univariate Polynomials Over the Integers
We study the following problem raised by von zur Gathen and Roche [GR97]: What is the minimal degree of a nonconstant polynomial f : {0, . . . , n} → {0, . . . , m}?
Gil Cohen, Amir Shpilka, Avishay Tal
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13 years 8 months ago
Almost k-wise vs. k-wise independent permutations, and uniformity for general group actions
A family of permutations in Sn is k-wise independent if a uniform permutation chosen from the family maps any distinct k elements to any distinct k elements equally likely. Effici...
Noga Alon, Shachar Lovett