
12 years 10 months ago
Information Visualization on Organized Crime Trials
Today everyone on the Internet becomes an active writer. It is simpler than ever to produce and to share new knowledge on the net. Users risk to be overwhelmed by too much informa...
Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Giovanni Gallo, Giovanni Giu...
12 years 10 months ago
Gestural Interaction for Robot Motion Control
Recent advances in gesture recognition made the problem of controlling a humanoid robot in the most natural possible way an interesting challenge. Learning from Demonstration fie...
Giuseppe Broccia, Marco Livesu, Riccardo Scateni
12 years 10 months ago
3D-ize U! A Real-time 3D Head-model Texture Generator for Android
Recently, the number of applications developed for smartphones has dramatically increased; however, at the moment, applications having the purpose of creating and displaying 3D mo...
Stefano Boi, Fabio Sorrentino, Stefano Marras, Ric...