The tutorial first addresses requirements and semantic problems to integrate digital information into large scale, meaningful networks of knowledge that support not only access to...
This paper describes a strategy for modeling and engineering complex e-business systems with built-in quality of adaptiveness. The paper explains the philosophical and scientific ...
This paper aims to bring the benefits of the use of Category Theory to the field of Semantic Web, where the coexistence of intrinsically different models of local knowledge mak...
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy that supports an organization’s decision-making process to retain long-term and profitable relationships with its customers....
Business process models play an important role for the management, design, and improvement of process organizations and process-aware information systems. Despite the extensive ap...
Jan Mendling, Gustaf Neumann, Wil M. P. van der Aa...
Representation and reasoning about information system (IS) requirements is facilitated with the use of goal models to describe the desired and undesired IS behaviors. One difficul...
This paper explores the opportunities and challenges for Conceptual Modeling in the domain of Virtual Reality (VR). VR applications are becoming more feasible due to better and fa...
Olga De Troyer, Frederic Kleinermann, Bram Pellens...
Organizations are under increasing scrutiny to document their compliance to regulatory requirements. To this end, they have to formally document their operating procedures to supp...