Random Forests were introduced by Breiman for feature (variable) selection and improved predictions for decision tree models. The resulting model is often superior to AdaBoost and ...
Long Han, Mark J. Embrechts, Boleslaw K. Szymanski...
We present an extension to a recent method for learning of nonlinear manifolds, which allows to incorporate general cost functions. We focus on the -insensitive loss and visually d...
Neural gas (NG) constitutes a very robust clustering algorithm which can be derived as stochastic gradient descent from a cost function closely connected to the quantization error...
Barbara Hammer, Alexander Hasenfuss, Thomas Villma...
Usually time series prediction is done with regularly sampled data. In practice, however, the data available may be irregularly sampled. In this case the conventional prediction me...
Abstract. The paper presents an algorithm for identifying the independent subspace analysis model based on source dynamics. We propose to separate subspaces by decoupling their dyn...
Due to the various and dynamic nature of stimuli, decisions of intelligent agents must rely on the coordination of complex cognitive systems. This paper precisely focusses on a gen...
Abstract. Response surfaces are a powerful tool for both classification and regression as they are able to model many different phenomena and construct complex boundaries between c...
We consider the model selection problem for support vector machines applied to binary classification. As the data generating process is unknown, we have to rely on heuristics as mo...
The use of modified Real Adaboost ensembles by applying weighted emphasis on erroneous and critical (near the classification boundary) has been shown to lead to improved designs, ...