We present a fully automatic approach for facial expression recognition based on a representation of facial motion using a vocabulary of local motion descriptors. Previous studies...
This paper discusses our expert system called Integrated System for Facial Expression Recognition (ISFER), which performs recognition and emotional classification of human facial ...
In this paper we present an automatic facial expression recognition system that utilizes a semantic-based learning algorithm using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Although...
Facial expression recognition is an active research area that finds a potential application in human emotion analysis. This work presents an illumination independent approach for...
Facial expression recognition has potential applications in different aspects of day-to-day life not yet realized due to absence of effective expression recognition techniques. Th...
Automatic facial expression recognition has gained much attention during the last decade because of its potential application in areas such as more engaging humancomputer interfac...
In this paper, we present an embedded system in which face recognition and facial expression recognition for Human-Robot Interaction are implemented. To detect face with a fast and...
Previous efforts at facial expression recognition have been based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a representation developed in order to allow human psychologists to co...
Moment invariants are invariant under shifting, scaling and rotation. They are widely used in pattern recognition because of their discrimination power and robustness. HMM method ...
Facial expression recognition is necessary for designing any realistic human-machine interfaces. Previous published facial expression recognition systems achieve good recognition ...