Multicast network services advantageously complement multimedia information and communication technologies, as they open up the realm for highly scalable multicustomer application...
Component-based software engineering (CBSE) and service-oriented software engineering (SOSE) are two of the most dominant engineering paradigms in current software community and i...
Getting business stakeholders’ goals formulated clearly and project scope defined realistically increases the chance of success for any application development process. As a cons...
In many branches of industry, the component-based approach to systems design is predominant, e. g., as in embedded control systems which are often modelled using MATLAB/Simulink. ...
—Real-time systems are increasingly used in dynamic changing environments with variable user needs, hosting real-time applications ranging in number and nature. This paper propos...
Ning Gui, Vincenzo De Florio, Hong Sun, Chris Blon...
— The usage of dynamic languages is increasing among developers. As components are static entities, the usage of scripting languages, which are usually dynamically typed and inte...
—Many collaboration platforms are realized as service-oriented systems enabling flexible compositions of services and support of interactions. Interactions between entities in s...