
112views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Variable Rate Steganography in Gray Scale Digital Images Using Neighborhood Pixel Information
: Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information. Security has always been a major concern since time im...
Moazzam Hossain, Sadia Al Haque, Farhana Sharmin
96views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
DDoS Incidents and their Impact: A Review
: The phenomenal growth and success of Internet has changed the way traditional essential services such as banking, transportation, medicine, education and defence are operated. No...
Monika Sachdeva, Gurvinder Singh, Krishan Kumar, K...
130views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Ontology-Based Intelligent Mobile Search Oriented to Global e-Commerce
: In this paper we propose a novel approach for searching eCommerce products using a mobile phone, illustrated by a prototype eCoMobile. This approach aims to globalize the mobile ...
Abdelkader Dekdouk
177views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Representing Uncertainty in Medical Knowledge: An Interval Based Approach for Binary Fuzzy Relations
: This paper addresses issues involved in representation of causal relationships between medical categories. An interval based approach for medical binary fuzzy relations is propos...
Bassam Haddad, Ahmad Awwad
107views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Low Latency, High Throughput, and Less Complex VLSI Architecture for 2D-DFT
: This paper proposes a pipelined, systolic architecture for two- dimensional discrete Fourier transform computation which is highly concurrent. The architecture consists of two, o...
Sohil Shah, Preethi Venkatesan, Deepa Sundar, Muni...
99views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Semiotics Explorations on Designing the Information Intensive Web Interfaces
: The growth of technological innovations, internet developments, and their (web) applications has raised a definite issue on retaining the web interface quite understandable. More...
Muhammad Islam, Mohsin Ali, Ali Al-Mamun, Motaharu...
140views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
HW/SW Design-Based Implementation of Vector Median Rational Hybrid Filter
: A new code sign implementation of vector median rational hybrid filter based on efficient hardware/software implementation is introduced and applied to colour image filtering pro...
Anis Boudabous, Ahmed Ben Atitallah, Lazhar Khriji...
115views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
An Enhancement of Major Sorting Algorithms
: One of the fundamental issues in computer science is ordering a list of items. Although there is a huge number of sorting algorithms, sorting problem has attracted a great deal o...
Jehad Alnihoud, Rami Mansi
95views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Modelling of Updating Moving Object Database Using Timed Petri Net Model
: Tracking moving objects is one of the most common requirements for many location-based applications. The location of a moving object changes continuously but the database locatio...
Hatem Abdul-Kader, Warda El-Kholy
114views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
A Quantum-Inspired Differential Evolution Algorithm for Solving the N-Queens Problem
: In this paper, a quantum-inspired differential evolution algorithm for solving the N-queens problem is presented. The N-queens problem aims at placing N queens on an NxN chessboa...
Amer Draa, Souham Meshoul, Hichem Talbi, Mohamed B...