In order to complement the incomplete training audit trails, model generalization is always utilized to infer more unknown knowledge for intrusion detection. Thus, it is important ...
Since syntactically different URLs could represent the same resource in WWW, there are on-going efforts to define the URL normalization in the standard communities. This paper cons...
We discuss the deletion of a single vertex in a Delaunay tetrahedralization (DT). While some theoretical solutions exist for this problem, the many degeneracies in three dimensions...
Requests for application services that require large data space such as multimedia, game and database[1] have greatly increased. Nowadays those requests locomote for various servic...
Component-Based Development (CBD) is gaining popularity as an effective reuse technology. Components in CBD are mainly for interorganizational reuse, rather than intra-organization...
Product Line Engineering is being accepted as a representative software reuse methodology by using core assets and product line architecture is known as a key element of core asset...
Abstract. We present a parallel approach for optimizing surface meshes by redistributing vertices on a feature-aware higher-order reconstruction of a triangulated surface. Our meth...
Abstract. Though some studies involving general micro-mobility exist, micromobility research concerning a mobile node (MN) moving between Mobile Anchor Points (MAP) is lacking. In ...
Abstract. Due to an increasing number of portable devices over 785million world Internet users, a support for quality of service (QoS) and security becomes a significant issue in ...
Mobile IP proposed by IETF supports continuous services for a mobile node (MN) based on its capability to roam around foreign domains [1]. Recently the rapid growth of wireless tec...