
123views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
A Methodological Review of the Program Evaluations in K-12 Computer Science Education
Because of the potential for methodological reviews to improve practice, this article presents the results of a methodological review, and meta-analysis, of kindergarten through 12...
Justus J. Randolph
58views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
The Unfortunate Novice Theme of Direct Transformation
In many occasions, the text describing an algorithmic task may entail a rather intuitive, operational solution scheme. Yet, such a scheme may not necessarily be efficient or correc...
David Ginat
95views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Cognitive Personality Traits and Technical Knowledge of Young People in Lithuania
Abstract. The review of research works presented in the paper leads to the supposition that scientists abroad usually analyze the components of technical knowledge in relationship ...
Ala Kovieriene
145views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Students Learning Experience in the Integrated Information Literacy Course Constructed in Virtual Learning Environment
Abstract. The paper examines the impact of ICT on students learning experiences and opportunities offered by virtual learning environment as an integral part of traditional learnin...
Vilhelmina Vaiciuniene, Genute Gedviliene
97views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Mathematical Logic and Deduction in Computer Science Education
Mathematical logic is a discipline used in sciences and humanities with different point of view. Although in tertiary level computer science education it has a solid place, it does...
Hashim Habiballa, Tibor Kmet
104views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Exploring Technologies, Materials, and Methods for an Online Foundational Programming Course
Introductory computer programming courses are inherently challenging for a variety of reasons. With increased demands for online delivery, the use of effective technologies, materi...
Eman El-Sheikh, John W. Coffey, Laura J. White
149views more  IIE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Information Technologies for Biology Education: Computerized Electrophysiology of Plant Cells
Abstract. Biology has moved from a bench-based discipline to a bioinformational science in modern times but application of computational and analytical methods of informatics in it...
Vilma Kisnieriene, Kastytis Beitas, Vidmantas Saka...