
14 years 9 days ago
Janus: From Workflows to Semantic Provenance and Linked Open Data
Data provenance graphs are form of metadata that can be used to establish a variety of properties of data products that undergo sequences of transformations, typically specified as...
Paolo Missier, Satya Sanket Sahoo, Jun Zhao, Carol...
14 years 9 days ago
The Provenance of Workflow Upgrades
Provenance has become an increasingly important part of documenting, verifying, and reproducing scientific research, but as users seek to extend or share results, it may be imprac...
David Koop, Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger, Juliana Fr...
14 years 9 days ago
Data Provenance in Distributed Propagator Networks
Abstract. The heterogeneous and unreliable nature of distributed systems has created a distinct need for the inclusion of provenance within their design to allow for error correcti...
Ian Jacobi
14 years 9 days ago
StarFlow: A Script-Centric Data Analysis Environment
We introduce StarFlow, a script-centric environment for data analysis. StarFlow has four main features: (1) extraction of control and data-flow dependencies through a novel combina...
Elaine Angelino, Daniel Yamins, Margo I. Seltzer
14 years 9 days ago
Integrating Provenance Data from Distributed Workflow Systems with ProvManager
Abstract. Running scientific workflows in distributed environments is motivating the definition of provenance gathering approaches that are loosely coupled to the workflow executio...
Anderson Marinho, Leonardo Gresta Paulino Murta, C...