Expressed sequence tags, abbreviated ESTs, are DNA fragments experimentally derived from expressed portions of genes. Clustering of ESTs is essential for gene recognition and unde...
In this paper, a fault-tolerant routing in 2-D meshes with dynamic faults is provided. It is based on an early work on minimal routing in 2-D meshes with static faults. Unlike man...
This paper describes a generic mechanism to migrate threads in heterogeneous distributed environments. To maintain high portability and flexibility, thread migration is implement...
Sort can be speeded up on parallel computers by dividing and computing data individually in parallel. Merge sort can be parallelized, however, the conventional algorithm implement...
The convergence of TV and new features such as Internet and games, requires a generic media-processing platform, that enables simultaneous execution of very diverse tasks, ranging...
Egbert G. T. Jaspers, Erik B. van der Tol, Peter H...
In this paper we formulate the static load balancing problem in single class job distributed systems as a cooperative game among computers. It is shown that the Nash Bargaining So...
Daniel Grosu, Anthony T. Chronopoulos, Ming-Ying L...
In this paper we present a game theoretic framework for obtaining a user-optimal load balancing scheme in heterogeneous distributed systems. We formulate the static load balancing...
SAC is a purely functional array processing language designed with numerical applications in mind. It supports generic, high-level program specifications in the style of APL. How...