Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is a standard computer application that molecular biologists use to search for sequence similarity in genomic databases. This report desc...
The problem of writing high performance parallel applications becomes even more challenging when irregular, sparse or adaptive methods are employed. In this paper we introduce com...
Many applications in Comparative Genomics lend themselves to implementations that take advantage of common high-performance features in modern microprocessors. However, the common...
Christopher Mueller, Mehmet M. Dalkilic, Andrew Lu...
We investigate the problem of maximizing the lifetime of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Being battery powered, nodes in such networks have to perform their intended task und...
The next generation of mobile systems with multimedia processing capabilities and wireless connectivity will be increasingly deployed in highly dynamic and distributed environment...
Shivajit Mohapatra, Radu Cornea, Hyunok Oh, Kyoung...
Scalability refers to the extent of configuration modifications over which a system continues to be economically deployable. Until now, scalability of resource management system...
Arindam Mitra, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Shoukat Ali
With the latest high-end computing nodes combining shared-memory multiprocessing with hardware multithreading, new scheduling policies are necessary for workloads consisting of mu...
Robert L. McGregor, Christos D. Antonopoulos, Dimi...