
13 years 9 months ago
Towards the formalization of interaction semantics
With the advent of Web 2.0 and the emergence of improved technologies to enhance UI, the importance of user experience and intuitiveness of Web interfaces led to the growth and su...
Irene Celino, Francesco Corcoglioniti
14 years 1 days ago
Speech acts meet tagging: NiceTag ontology
Alexandre Monnin, Freddy Limpens, Fabien Gandon, D...
14 years 17 days ago
An evaluation of approaches to federated query processing over linked data
The Web has evolved from a global information space of linked documents to a web of linked data. The Web of Data enables answering complex, structured queries that could not be an...
Peter Haase, Tobias Mathäß, Michael Zil...
14 years 17 days ago
Towards an approach for formalizing the supply chain operations
Reference models play an important role in the knowledge management of the various complex collaboration domains (such as Supply Chain Networks). However, they often show a lack o...
Milan Zdravkovic, Hervé Panetto, Miroslav T...
14 years 17 days ago
Taking the LIDS off data silos
LInked Data Services (LIDS) denote the integration of dataproviding services and Linked Data. LIDS are parameterised and formally described web resources which return RDF when der...
Sebastian Speiser, Andreas Harth
14 years 3 months ago
Augmenting Europeana content with linked data resources
Annotations allow end users to augment digital items with information, which can then be exploited for search and retrieval. We are currently extending Europeana, a platform which...
Bernhard Haslhofer, Elaheh Momeni Roochi, Manuel G...
14 years 3 months ago
Linking open government data: what journalists wish they had known
Many government organizations publish a variety of data on the web to facilitate transparency. The multitude of sources has resulted in heterogeneous structures and formats as wel...
Christoph Böhm, Felix Naumann, Markus Freitag...
14 years 3 months ago
Foundations of data interoperability on the web: a web science perspective
In this paper, when we use the term ontology, we are primarily referring to linked data in the form of RDF(S). The problem of ontology mapping has attracted considerable attention...
Hamid Haidarian Shahri
14 years 3 months ago
Self-service linked government data with dcat and gridworks
Open Government Data initiatives in the US, UK and elsewhere have made large amounts of raw data available to the public on the Web. There is enormous potential in applying Linked...
Richard Cyganiak, Fadi Maali, Vassilios Peristeras