DuraCap is a solar-powered energy harvesting system that stores harvested energy in supercapacitors and is voltage-compatible with lithium-ion batteries. The use of supercapacitor...
Booth encoding is believed to yield faster multiplier designs with higher energy consumption. 16x16-bit Booth and NonBooth multipliers are analyzed in energy and delay space under...
The unique and unpredictable nature of silicon enables the use of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) for chip identification and authentication. Since the function of PUFs depen...
Lang Lin, Daniel E. Holcomb, Dilip Kumar Krishnapp...
This paper proposes a framework for (signal) interconnect power optimization at the global routing stage. In a typical design flow, the primary objective of global routing is mini...
Energy consumption and the associated environmental impact are a pressing challenge faced by the transportation sector. Emerging electric-drive vehicles have shown promises for su...
The ongoing scaling of semiconductor technology is causing severe increase of on-chip power density and temperature in microprocessors. This has raised urgent requirement for both...
Electrical energy is a high quality form of energy that can be easily converted to other forms of energy with high efficiency and, even more importantly, it can be used to control...
Massoud Pedram, Naehyuck Chang, Younghyun Kim, Yan...
Wireless access is known to be power-hungry for mobile devices. A key reason is that devices radiate power in all directions and much of this power will not reach the destination....
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Hasan Dumanli, Lin Zhong, Ashu...
Estimation of static and dynamic energy of caches is critical for high-performance low-power designs. Commercial CAD tools performing energy estimation statically are not aware of...
Shrikanth Ganapathy, Ramon Canal, Antonio Gonz&aac...