A new vision and inertial pose estimation system was implemented for real-time handheld augmented reality (AR). A sparse set of 3D cone fiducials are utilized for scalable indoor...
John Martin Steinbis, William A. Hoff, Tyrone L. V...
In this paper we present two techniques for natural feature tracking in real-time on mobile phones. We achieve interactive frame rates of up to 20Hz for natural feature tracking f...
Daniel Wagner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Alessandro Mullon...
This paper presents methodology for integrating a small, singlepoint laser range finder into a wearable augmented reality system. We first present a way of creating object-align...
Jason Wither, Christopher Coffin, Jonathan Ventura...
Ubiquitous Tracking (Ubitrack) setups, consisting of many previously unknown sensors, offer many possibilities to perform sensor fusion in order to increase robustness and accurac...
In this paper we present a new vision-based approach for transmitting virtual models for Augmented Reality (AR). A two dimensional representation of the virtual models is embedded...
An ongoing research problem in Augmented Reality (AR) is to improve tracking and display technology in order to minimize registration errors. However, perfect registration is not ...
Cindy M. Robertson, Blair MacIntyre, Bruce N. Walk...
This paper presents a system that allows online building of 3D wireframe models through a combination of user interaction and automated methods from a handheld camera-mouse. Cruci...
We present a mobile phone based augmented reality (AR) assembly system that enable users to view complex models on their mobile phones. It is based on a client-server architecture...
Mika Hakkarainen, Charles Woodward, Mark Billinghu...
This paper focuses on the design of devices for handheld spatial interaction. In particular, it addresses the requirements and construction of a new platform for interactive AR, d...
Even though shadows are important for photometric consistency in Mixed Reality (MR) [1]. When human cannot perceive the inconsistency of artificial shadows which are not physicall...