
112views more  JHSN 2000»
14 years 1 months ago
A hierarchical Quality of Service control architecture for configurable multimedia applications
In order to achieve the best application-level Quality-of-Service (QoS), multimedia applications need to be dynamically tuned and reconfigured to adapt to fluctuating computing an...
Baochun Li, William Kalter, Klara Nahrstedt
172views more  JHSN 2000»
14 years 1 months ago
Dynamic token bucket (DTB): a fair bandwidth allocation algorithm for high-speed networks
Fair allocation of available bandwidth to competing flows is a simple form of quality of service (QoS) that can be provided to customers in packet-switched networks. A number of p...
Jayakrishna Kidambi, Dipak Ghosal, Biswanath Mukhe...
390views more  JHSN 2000»
14 years 1 months ago
Telemedicine: challenges and opportunities
Telemedicine is many things to many people. Only until a few years ago, telemedicine was equated to video teleconferencing between physicians, while nowadays, perhaps the most acti...
Sang-goo Lee, Seong K. Mun, Prakash Jha, Betty Ann...
86views more  JHSN 2000»
14 years 1 months ago
Alert communication primitives above TCP
We consider communication primitives that can be executed by an application process to exchange messages with another application process over a TCP/IP network. A communication pri...
Mohamed G. Gouda, Tommy M. McGuire
92views more  JHSN 2000»
14 years 1 months ago
On a class of time varying shapers with application to the renegotiable variable bit rate service
A shaper is a system that stores incoming bits in a bu er and delivers them as early as possible, while forcing the output to be constrained with a given arrival curve. A shaper i...
Silvia Giordano