Linear cryptanalysis remains the most powerful attack against DES at this time. Given 243 known plaintext-ciphertext pairs, Matsui expected a complexity of less than 243 DES evalua...
Most last-round attacks on iterated block ciphers provide some design criteria for the round function. Here, we focus on the links between the underlying properties. Most notably, ...
Abstract. In this paper we introduce the method of bi-linear cryptanalysis (BLC), designed specifically to attack Feistel ciphers. It allows to construct periodic biased character...
CMOS gates consume different amounts of power whether their output has a falling or a rising edge. Therefore the overall power consumption of a CMOS circuit leaks information about...
Sylvain Guilley, Philippe Hoogvorst, Renaud Pacale...
Abstract. Several generalizations of linear cryptanalysis have been proposed in the past, as well as very similar attacks in a statistical point of view. In this paper, we define ...
This paper is motivated by the design of AES. We consider a broader question of cryptanalysis of block ciphers having very good non-linearity and diffusion. Can we expect anyway, ...
Abstract. This paper reports on the improved and multiple linear cryptanalysis of reduced round Serpent by mean of a branch-and-bound characteristic search within the algorithm. We...