
112views more  JCT 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Annular embeddings of permutations for arbitrary genus
In the symmetric group on a set of size 2n, let P2n denote the conjugacy class of involutions with no fixed points (equivalently, we refer to these as “pairings”, since each ...
I. P. Goulden, William Slofstra
59views more  ENDM 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Unexpected behaviour of crossing sequences
The nth crossing number of a graph G, denoted crn(G), is the minimum number of crossings in a drawing of G on an orientable surface of genus n. We prove that for every a > b &g...
Matt DeVos, Bojan Mohar, Robert Sámal
14 years 3 months ago
Optimal encoding of triangular and quadrangular meshes with fixed topology
Extending a bijection recently introduced by Poulalhon and Schaeffer [15] for triangulations of the sphere we design an efficient algorithm for encoding (topological) triangulatio...
Luca Castelli Aleardi, Eric Fusy, Thomas Lewiner