The automatic and unobtrusive identification of user's activities is one of the challenging goals of context-aware computing. This paper discusses and experimentally evaluate...
Abstract-- Mobile devices are becoming increasingly powerful with regards to processing speed, networking capabilities, storage capacity etc. While these improvements open up new p...
A new context management framework, which supports the interaction between different domain context managers, is proposed. Two different context producerconsumer patterns are defin...
In this paper, we propose an algorithm to estimate 2D shapes and positions of obstacles such as buildings using GPS and wireless communication history of mobile nodes. Our algorith...
This paper describes the design, implementation and deployment of a wireless sensor system for athletes. The system is designed to profile sprints based on input from on-body senso...
Salman Taherian, Marcelo Pias, Robert Harle, Georg...
Mobile peer-to-peer groups, which do not require any pre-deployed infrastructure or trusted centralized authority are valuable for a variety of collaborative applications. This wor...
During the last few years there has been an increasing number of people-centric sensing projects, which combine location information with other sensors available on mobile devices,...
In autonomic networks, the self-configuration of network entities is one of the most desirable properties. In this paper, we show how formal verification techniques can verify the ...