Abstract. A resource selection probability function is a function that gives the probability that a resource unit (e.g., a plot of land) that is described by a set of habitat varia...
Resource selection is an important task in Federated Search to select a small number of most relevant information sources. Current resource selection algorithms such as GlOSS, COR...
Dzung Hong, Luo Si, Paul Bracke, Michael Witt, Tim...
The focus of the blog distillation task is finding blogs with a principle, recurring interest in a specific topic. For this task, we considered a blog as a collection of posting...
In this paper we combine two existing resource selection approaches, CORI and the decision-theoretic framework (DTF). The state-of-the-art system CORI belongs to the large group of...
A distributed information retrieval system with resourceselection and resultset merging capability was used to search subsets of the GOV2 document corpus for the 2008 TREC Million...
Christopher T. Fallen, Gregory B. Newby, Kylie McC...
Abstract. Efficient and effective routing of content-based queries is an emerging problem in peer-to-peer networks, and can be seen as an extension of the traditional “resource ...
Federated text search provides a unified search interface for multiple search engines of distributed text information sources. Resource selection is an important component for fed...
In this paper, a novel approach for designing chromosome has been proposed to improve the effectiveness, which called multistage operation-based genetic algorithm (moGA). The obje...
In some retrieval situations, a system must search across multiple collections. This task, referred to as federated search, occurs for example when searching a distributed index o...
While distributed, heterogeneous collections of computers (“Grids”) can in principle be used as a computing platform, in practice the problems of first discovering and then co...
Chuang Liu, Lingyun Yang, Ian T. Foster, Dave Angu...