
186views Optimization» more  GECCO 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Genetic rule extraction optimizing brier score
Most highly accurate predictive modeling techniques produce opaque models. When comprehensible models are required, rule extraction is sometimes used to generate a transparent mod...
Ulf Johansson, Rikard König, Lars Niklasson
14 years 3 months ago
Extraction of fuzzy rules from trained neural network using evolutionary algorithm
This paper presents our approach to the rule extraction problem from trained neural network. A method called REX is briefly described. REX acquires a set of fuzzy rules using an ev...
Urszula Markowska-Kaczmar, Wojciech Trelak
14 years 3 months ago
Knowledge Extraction from Local Function Networks
Extracting rules from RBFs is not a trivial task because of nonlinear functions or high input dimensionality. In such cases, some of the hidden units of the RBF network have a ten...
Kenneth McGarry, Stefan Wermter, John MacIntyre
108views Data Mining» more  DMIN 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Sequential and Parallel Rule Extraction from a Concept Lattice
This paper presents enhancements to previous algorithms for the sequential extraction of complete non-redundant set of rules from a concept lattice. The aim of these enhancements i...
Guillermo Tonsmann
14 years 3 months ago
Knowledge Acquisition from Computer Log Files by ADG with Variable Agent Size
Abstract—We had previously proposed an outstanding evolutionary method, Automatically Defined Groups (ADG), for generating heterogeneous cooperative agents, and then we had deve...
Akira Hara, Yoshiaki Kurosawa, Takumi Ichimura
14 years 4 months ago
Using Genetic Programming to Increase Rule Quality
Rule extraction is a technique aimed at transforming highly accurate opaque models like neural networks into comprehensible models without losing accuracy. G-REX is a rule extract...
Rikard König, Ulf Johansson, Lars Niklasson
14 years 7 months ago
A Simple Mathematically Based Framework for Rule Extraction from an Arbitrary Programming Language
Programs use rules to dictate or constrain specific decisions or actions. These rules have typically been tested, revised, and updated continuously; therefore, they represent a su...
Frederick V. Ramsey, James J. Alpigini